

so that the governance process of SME Development Bank is transparent and fair to all parties involved without focusing on the benefits of any individual, including being socially responsible and environment Good Corporate Governance Committee Has set up an evaluation of the performance of good governance. and review the good governance policy, including the business ethics charter Code of Conduct for Executive Directors and employees annually.ธพว.ได้กําหนดหลักการและแนวทางธรรมาภิบาลของธนาคาร ออกเป็น 6 หมวด เพื่อให้ครอบคลุมการดำเนินงานด้านธรรมาภิบาล คือ

Chapter 1 Implementation of government policy as an owner
Section 2 Rights and Equality of Shareholders
Section 3 Responsibilities of the Board of Directors
Section 4 Roles of Stakeholders
Section 5 Information Disclosure and Transparency
Section 6 Ethics and Code of Conduct

policy formulation operational measures
Small and Medium Enterprise Development Bank of Thailand (SME Bank)

On the management of fair services to customers (Market Conduct)
SME Bank attaches importance to compliance with good corporate governance principles. fraud prevention Be transparent, honest and ethical. As well as complying with the rules, regulations, and relevant regulations. Strictly, therefore, the Bank of Thailand has set a policy. Management of fair customer service (Market Conduct) for executives and employees to comply with as a channel for employees and all groups of stakeholders and from affected third parties Or there is a risk of being affected by the operations of the SME Development Bank. You can file a complaint in the event that the service is not received fairly. The SME Bank has therefore set up this policy to raise the level of compliance with Market Conduct. strictly As the Bank has a clear policy that focuses on building morality. cultivation of consciousness Modify and protect For transparent and fair operations, including giving importance to the management of fair services to customers (Market Conduct) as announced by the Bank of Thailand. The Bank has adjusted work processes throughout the organization. in providing complete and accurate information to customers for decision making And most importantly, the sale of the Bank’s products must not be forced to create confidence and maximum satisfaction for customers. The Bank takes seriously and places the utmost importance on Market Conduct, especially providing services that meet the real needs of customers. By communicating and training for all employees to understand and realize through various channels. come continuously and concretely in order to complete the practice correctly within the specified period. to be the same standard By adhering to the customer as the center


SME Bank has taken into account the basic rights and let the employees comply. It consists of 4 rights as follows:
1. The right to receive accurate information
1.1 The customer must be clearly informed of the differences between the Bank’s products.
1.2 Customers must receive product details, risks, conditions and returns, such as in the form of APR (Annual PercentageRate) and relevant assumptions.
1.3 Customers must receive accurate and appropriate advertising information or use of marketing materials to promote sales.
1.4 The customer must receive a document summarizing important information. product sales characterizing And product risks with words that are concise and easy to understand according to the format of the Office of the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) and the Office of Insurance Commission (OIC) .) to make a decision to buy the product

2. The right to choose to buy products and financial services freely
2.1 Customers have the right to make independent investment decisions. And can refuse to buy securities and insurance products.
2.2 Customers have the right to refuse to buy securities and insurance products together with the Bank’s products. And the bank must give consumers the right to choose whether to buy or not to buy such products.
2.3 The customer has the right to give consent or refuse to disclose information according to the consent document which is separated from Leaving the product purchase contract

3. Right to demand fairness
3.1 The customer has the right to lodge a complaint at any bank branch that sells securities products. and insurance, with evidence that the bank has received the complaint
3.2 Customers can ask for information to understand the product from the call center of the merchant bank.

4. Right to be considered for compensation in case of damage
The customer is entitled to appropriate compensation if it is proved that the bank has not complied. Good product sales policy intentionally or negligently causing damage to the consumer

In this regard, the Bank has instructed staff to provide fair customer service (Market Conduct) in order to avoid errors in financial services in the future. And can respond to the needs of customers appropriately. with excellent service and advice Seriously implementing a mechanism and a good management system that will lead to a transparent state-owned financial institution. reliable can add economic value to lead to the development of SMEs Thailand in a sustainable manner

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